Title: good for one dogedime

DOGEDIME was minted in block #338,993, which was mined on August 16th, 2014. It is the third release in a series of five US fiat-inspired tokens with hand-drawn artwork by Honolulu-based artist JoBiz; the first two being DOGEQUARTER and DOGEDOLLAR. It has a supply of 2,500 and was followed by DOGENICKEL and DOGEPENNY.

About this token

Asset Name: DOGEDIME
Total Supply: 2500
Blockchain: Dogecoin (via Dogeparty)
Issuance Date: Aug 16, 2014
First Sale Date: Mar 1, 2022

Sales History

Round 1 – Mar 1, 2022: 100 DOGEDIME @ 10 DOGE / ea. (private sale, per order)

Round 2 – Mar 2, 2022: 1,000 DOGEDIME @ 20 DOGE / ea. (sold out in 461 blocks)

Round 3 – Mar 3, 2022: 700 DOGEDIME @ 25 DOGE / ea. (sold out in 14,700 blocks)

If you would like to purchase a DOGEDOLLAR directly from Dogermint, please send us an email or contact us on Telegram. Thank you!