Title: DOGE on a BIKE
One of the first non-divisible tokens to be created using the Dogeparty protocol with an initial supply of less than 10, BIKE was minted in Dogecoin block #337452, which was mined on August 15, 2014. This is two days after the initial launch of Dogeparty. It has a total supply of 8 tokens; 7 of which are currently in circulation. Artwork was created by JoBiz and attached to the token in March 2022.
About this token
Asset Name: BIKE
Total Supply: 8
Blockchain: Dogecoin (via Dogeparty)
Issuance Date: Aug 15, 2014
First Sale Date: N/A (unsold)
Official Dispenser: N/A (private orders only)
If you would like to purchase a BIKE from Dogermint directly, please email us or contact us on Telegram. Thank you for your interest!
Dispenser sale history
This token has yet to be placed in an official Dogermint dispenser for sale.